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Date: Fri, 16 Sep 1994 06:13:46 -0500
From: (Brian White)
Subject: Re: Accellerators for A4000
Precedence: bulk
>Today is not a happy day. I lumbered into the office at 8:00 (didn't
>get in 'till 3:00 last night). Bleary eyed, I fired up my demo machine,
>and started moving some files between hard drives to get it ready for a
>presentation this week when whammo, the mouse pointer stopped moving.
>I rebooted the machine, and nothing :-(. A few hours later, and many
>component swaps (fortunately I have 4 other 4000s in stock at the moment)
>I discovered that the A3640 '040 doughterboard was bad.
>Since I've got to shell out some cash for another CPU board, it might
>as well be a fast one, and most importantly one that won't give me
>any hastles with Lightwave and or the Toaster. At the moment, I'm leaning
>toward a 40MHz Warp Engine, because the SCSI-II means I could pull the
>Fastlane that's in there now. Any pros/cons you fellow LightWavers
>can bring to light regarding the Warp Engine, and or any other accellerators
>(such as GVPs) for the A4000 with LightWave and the Toaster? Also, what
>about RAM? Will I need to toss my current 16 Megs of Fast RAM (70ns)
>for something faster, or will using it just give me a speed penalty??
You can use the 70ns with the Warp Engine but there is a smallish speed
penalty (it prefers 60ns). But all in all it more than doubles the
rendering speed of Lightwave renderings, and I've been very pleased with